Fanny Leeb and Nine June, the start of a beautiful collaboration

by Christophe Hutzli

Fanny Leeb et Nine June, le début d’une belle collaboration

A few weeks ago, we met the talented Fanny Leeb on a beautiful terrace in Montreux.

Known in the world of music as an artist, composer, performer and pianist, Fanny Leeb is an artist with a unique voice. Sparkling and full of life, she has performed at the biggest Swiss festivals such as the Montreux Jazz Festival and the Caprices Festival.

It was therefore obvious for the Nine June team to contact her to present the modular backpacks.

She embodies the elegance and freshness sought to promote the brand. In addition, Fanny is an epicurean, who likes to enjoy life, and is also a lover of our beautiful region. What better ?

It was therefore without any hesitation that we contacted her, and what we can say is that the feeling was immediately very good. A few days after our first phone call, we met her to present the Nine June project, philosophy and range.
Fanny adopted the black NJ-93 so quickly that she took it for her next trip to Canada.

Fanny therefore left with an NJ-93 on her back. We left delighted with this first collaboration which promises very good things!

Fanny and Christophe have another thing in common: their respective birthdays are June 9. This date promises to be legendary!

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