Successful crowdfunding!

by Christophe Hutzli

Crowdfunding réussi!

Dear friends,

It is with pride that I announce to you that we have succeeded! Our crowdfunding campaign was a real success, thanks to you.

Your generosity allowed me to achieve my goal which still seemed crazy to me a few months ago. I can therefore count today on 139 generous and brilliant donors who believed in my project and am proud to announce the total amount raised which is 37,455 CHF . The first production of Nine June bags and accessories is assured!

Contributors will be contacted in the coming days to receive more information on how their compensation will be delivered to them.

For information, the official sale of Nine June bags will be online in a few days as well. You can access it directly from the store .

Until then, I'm going to rest a little after this crazy race, and thank you again with all my heart.

See you soon,


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